Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Education. Why is it so important in our society?
For one thing, education is what helps up advance in society. Without an education, advancing in society would be hard since careers generally rather hire people with a high education rather than one without one.
Education is also important because it lets us think. It lets us think outside the box, think for different sides, it helps us be open minded. It lets us think in other perspective, other than our own. It opens us into a world of knowledge. Without an education, people would have not have a lot of knowledge.
Since education is so important in our society...why do people not value it? Some kids these days take their education for granted. They don't realize that it is important, and see it as a joke. Up until education isn't free anymore, people start to realize the importance of education.

Education is something that everyone should experience and have. I'm glad that I have and still am going to school to gain my education.

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